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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Freeway Inter-Changes in Northern Utah County

The following announcement from UDOT concerns road changes at the interchange near Thanksgiving Point:

Significant changes will begin to be seen in and around the Timpanogos Highway (S.R. 92) interchange with I-15 beginning today.

      As part of the ongoing Timpanogos Highway construction project, the I-15 interchange is being reconfigured as a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI), similar to the new DDI at American Fork Main Street.

Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) engineers are confident that the new DDI will make traffic flow faster and more efficiently through the interchange. But in order to make the DDI function properly, changes will have to be made to the surrounding roadway configurations as well. 

Some of those changes will begin today just west of the interchange, including changes on Thanksgiving Way and Ashton Blvd.  Thanksgiving Way, which has been a through street across S.R. 92 (which is called Clubhouse Drive west of the freeway), will now be blocked to through traffic and will only allow right-in, right-out access in both directions. The signal at Thanksgiving Way will be deactivated and removed, and the newly installed traffic signal at Ashton Blvd. will be activated.

These changes, which will go into effect at approximately 2 p.m. today, will require several adjustments for motorists, including:

*     Those who wish to access the Thanksgiving Point restaurants, meeting rooms, shops and theaters from points east will need to go all the way to Ashton Blvd., turn left and follow it to Executive Parkway, where they will make another left and follow that road to Thanksgiving Way, where they can turn right to access Thanksgiving Point.

*     Those who wish to access the Chevron station or Iceberg restaurant from points east will need to follow the same route as outlined above, only they will turn left at Thanksgiving Way.

*     Those who wish to get back on the freeway or go to Lehi or Highland from the Maverik station, JCW's, Dell Taco or the Hampton Inn will need to follow Thanksgiving Way north to the point at which it connects to Ashton Blvd, where they will turn left and follow it back to Clubhouse Drive.  They will turn left on Clubhouse Drive and follow it back toward the freeway.
"All of these changes will require a little period of adjustment," said UDOT spokesperson Scott Thompson. "But making them now will allow us to complete our work on the new DDI more quickly, which will ultimately enhance the flow of traffic in this rapidly growing area."

The Timpanogos Highway project is being built through a joint venture of the Flatiron and Harper construction companies.  It is scheduled for completion by the fall of 2011.

For more information about Timpanogos Highway please visit the project website at or call the project information hotline at 1-877-222-3757.

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