Stay in Touch With Your Neighbors!

Welcome to the Grandview South Neighborhood!
The mission of the Neighborhood Program is to "facilitate effective, informed and representative participation of citizens in government and self-help initiatives". The Neighborhood Program provides a channel for communication among citizens, elected officials and city department staff.
Contact us to add information to this site and please, add your name to our list of followers!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Roar with the Lions!

Another message from our neighboring neighborhood and Aaron Skabelund:

Dear Rivergrove and Grandview South Neighbors,

Thanks to all those who have helped out so far with all the work we have completed in Lions Park. Thanks to the volunteer hours and hard work donated by so many over the last two years, we have poured over 2500 linear feet of concrete pathways, planted over 35 trees, and made many other wonderful improvements to our neighborhood park.
The purchase of the concrete and other materials was made possible by five $5000 matching grants (for a total of $25,000) that our neighborhoods have received from the city, as well as by a number of generous financial donations from neighborhood residents and businesses.
To finish the pathways--a section from the large pavilion to the northwest corner, which will create a loop around the park's entire periphery, and a section across the middle from the restrooms to south of the small pavilion--both neighborhoods need to apply for one more grant each. To be eligible to apply, as we have done so for previous grants, neighborhood residents pledge to match the $5000 grants in the form of volunteer work hours. (Volunteer work is calculated at $8 per hour.)
There are many ways that people can help out and not involve manual labor, so don't hesitate to make a pledge. Simply making a pledge helps! Please immediately follow the link below to a google document to do so. You may pledge as an individual or as a family. We would like to gather enough pledges to apply for the grants by mid-August and start the work this fall.
Pledge Here

You are welcome to forward this message to any neighbors who may have not received it and to spread the word in other ways, and we welcome any questions you might have.


Aaron Skabelund
Project Organizer
Rivergrove Neighborhood

David Nay
Project Organizer
Grandview South Neighborhood

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